
I am…

a Latina and Jewish woman of color, a mother, a daughter, a former associate dean, an associate professor of social work, a coach, a consultant, a friend and a partner.

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The ways in which I have had to negotiate my interpersonal identity as a woman of color from a multicultural and biracial history, positions me in a unique place. My work began in the clinical arena with a focus on trauma-informed practice and inclusion. It is this training that I lean into when working with my students, leaders and organizations. 

I work to find spaces to advance inclusion, belonging and accountability within sectors to help connect leadership to missions and agendas of diversity, equity and inclusion--and ultimately BELONGING. My work is accomplished through relationship building. I use my relationship building skills as a way to foster inclusion by helping to increase awareness and move towards action and SOLIDARITY.

My practice is one of liberation, love and generosity. My work with you can help deepen the conversation by supporting and nurturing students and leaders to develop a reflective consciousness that is strength-based, critically nurturing and ultimately transformational.

Dr. Laura Quiros, Ph.D., LMSW


What is Belonging?

Belonging is the feeling of safety and support when there is a sense of acceptance, inclusion, and identity for a member of a certain group. It’s when an individual can bring their sincere self to work. When employees feel like they don’t belong at work, their performance and their personal lives suffer. Creating genuine feelings of belonging for all is a critical factor in improving engagement and performance. The road to creating a culture of belonging is a journey. – Dr. Laura Quiros

What is the Practice of Solidarity?

It’s the embodiment of practices that reflect a commitment to oneself and others, out of the recognition that we all have a shared responsibility towards collective freedom and joy. The practice of solidarity is a journey that requires self-reflection, self-interrogation, and courage. – Dr. Laura Quiros

Founding Board member of Prospanica Social Justice Center

Prospanica has advocated for Hispanic business professionals for 30 years. Since our founding as the National Society of Hispanic MBAs in 1988, we’ve hosted annual career and professional development conferences, connecting thousands of Hispanics to graduate programs, subject matter experts, corporations, and each other.

Prospanica has given over $8 million in scholarships for graduate education, and many of those recipients have led our professional chapters and university chapters across the US and Puerto Rico, advancing diversity causes in their own communities. In 2016, as Hispanics continued to occupy a growing portion of the nation’s demographics, we rebranded as Prospanica to broaden our mission to serve all Hispanic professionals.

Affiliate Partnership - Coston Consulting

I am an Affiliate Partner of Coston Consulting, a certified Black-owned business advisory firm devoted to helping clients expand their business, raise their profile, and advance their DEI efforts. The firm represents clients across industries and specializes in advising professional services firms, with an expertise in the legal industry. Focus areas include strategy, business development, marketing, and DEI consulting.

Client benefits from our group’s diversity, experience, and comprehensive approach to addressing complex DEI issues. We provide a full range of DEI services, including training, DEI audits, strategic planning, and ongoing executive coaching to ensure DEI sustainability and cultural impact. We also provide business and professional development coaching to help members of diverse groups advance within their organizations.

You can learn more about us at costonconsulting.com.

Sobre Dra. Laura Quiros

La Dra. Laura Quiros, Ph.D., LMSW asesora, entrena y capacita a juntas directivas, ejecutivos y otros profesionales en el sector corporativo, de servicios profesionales, de educación superior y sin fines de lucro para que avancen los esfuerzos destinados a aumentar la diversidad, la equidad e inclusión. Trabaja con clientes para aumentar su alfabetización racial y ayudarlos a comunicarse abiertamente sobre los temas de raza y racismo.. También ayuda a los clientes a identificar, comprender y superar problemas que crean una cultura organizacional que gira en torno a la raza blanca.

Durante los últimos 12 años, la Dra. Quiros se ha desempeñado como Profesora Asociada de Trabajo Social en la Universidad Adelphi, donde enseña la práctica del trabajo social a nivel de doctorado y maestría. A partir del 1 de septiembre de 2022, la Dra. Quiros se unirá al Departamento de Trabajo Social y Protección del Niño de la Universidad Estatal de Montclair como profesora asociada. Esto la ubicará en su comunidad de Montclair NJ, donde continuará liderando y participando en el trabajo contra la opresión dentro del sistema escolar y la comunidad en general.

Sus investigaciones e intereses académicos se centran en la construcción social de la identidad racial y étnica y la atención informada del trauma a través de un prisma de justicia social. También se desempeña como directora del Programa de Certificado de Diversidad externo de la Universidad de Adelphi, que se ofrece a través de la Facultad de Estudios Profesionales y Continuos. En 2021 recibió el Premio de la Universidad Adelphi a la Excelencia en la Enseñanza de la Justicia Social, la Equidad, la Diversidad y la Inclusión. Este premio anual honra a un profesor de Adelphi que demuestre un compromiso con la justicia social, la equidad, la diversidad y la inclusión dentro del aula más allá del plan de estudios estándar para la disciplina del miembro de la facultad.

Como mujer de color de origen multicultural, la Dra. Quiros aprovecha sus experiencias y sus habilidades clínicas y de construcción de relaciones para fomentar las conexiones, la inclusión y la responsabilidad empática. Negociar su propia identidad la obligó a crear espacios seguros para sobrevivir y prosperar y la ayudó a desarrollar herramientas que le permitieron relacionarse con diversas experiencias que impactan a diversos grupos.

La Dra. Quiros ganó su Doctorado en Filosofía en Bienestar Social de la Escuela de Graduados y Centro Universitario de la Universidad de la Ciudad de Nueva York, donde su disertación se centró en "La construcción social de la identidad racial y étnica entre mujeres de color de ascendencia mixta: libertades psicológicas y sociológicas.” También obtuvo una maestría en trabajo social de la Escuela de Trabajo Social de Hunter College y una licenciatura en Psicología de Skidmore College. Su libro más reciente se centra en la incorporación de la diversidad y la inclusión en el trabajo social informado sobre el trauma.

SJDEI Excellence in Teaching Award (2021)

Laura Quiros, Associate Professor of Social Work

School of Social Work


Sienna College Presidential Medal for Excellence (2022)